La cultura di Satispay

Ecco i valori in cui crediamo, la nostra visione e gli obiettivi che intendiamo raggiungere. Se sposi questa visione e questi valori, Satispay è il posto giusto dove lavorare e crescere.


We foster a culture of accountability, ethical behaviour and social responsibility. We encourage everyone to act with integrity, take ownership of their work and consider the broader impact of their actions.


We hold a bold vision, so we embrace an even more audacious mindset. We value a sharp mind and a daring spirit to undertake our mission, and we are not daunted by potential setbacks. We think big and build bigger, consistently taking the lead with confidence, both in the world of payments and in our day-to-day work.


Put users first

Regardless of what our role is, we always reflect whether what we are doing really represents something valuable for our users.

Go the extra mile 

We believe that exceptional achievements arise from consistent effort and a profound passion for our work. Understanding that the journey is as important as the destination, we embrace our work with commitment and exceeding expectations. Our hands-on approach celebrates going the extra mile as a natural outcome of our passion-driven efforts.

Communicate with structure

We want our discussions and projects to revolve around well-founded ideas, ensuring thorough evaluation before sharing with colleagues. We prioritise efficient communication to minimise inherent frictional costs.

Dive deep

In order to create effective solutions and make informed decisions, we must have a deep understanding of things. It means not being satisfied with the first, easy answer, but instead questioning assumptions, analysing data, and reviewing all possible options. Striving for a complete understanding fosters effective problem-solving and innovation

Raise the bar

Our collective success relies on the abilities of each team member. We constantly challenge ourselves and raise the bar for higher performance. We work together and grow as a top team.

Act today over tomorrow

We value the power of taking action over lengthy analysis. It doesn't mean we act without thinking, but that we believe in the importance of moving forward and making progress, even if conditions aren't perfect. We believe that something done today holds more value than one done tomorrow.

Embrace feedback

We base our relationships on immediate and meaningful feedback. While giving and receiving feedback may be challenging, it forms the foundation for personal and professional growth.

Be transparent

We prioritise clear, honest communication, ensuring that our intentions and actions are always transparent and aligned with our commitments. This approach fosters enduring relationships and builds a strong, trustworthy reputation.

Challenge and simplify

We embrace continuous reinvention and strive for simplicity, transforming everyday challenges into opportunities for growth and efficiency.

Be resource-conscious

We are mindful of the cost implications in all business decisions and operations. Regardless of the role or the team, every member of the company should weigh the impact of their actions and decisions on our resources: time, money and talent.

Go beyond ego

We understand the impact of our work and we approach it by setting our ego aside. Our focus remains on the larger mission and collective goals, prioritising them over personal recognition.

Satispay è un sistema di pagamento che ti permette di acquistare nei negozi convenzionati, effettuare ricariche telefoniche e scambiare denaro con i tuoi amici in modo smart e sicuro.

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Satispay Europe S.A. | 53, Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg | VAT LU30726739 | società del gruppo Satispay S.p.A.

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